Substance Abuse & Mental Health Assessments-Evaluations
Completion of 4 phases of treatment Introduction of the 12 steps of ECO recovery that focus on:
- Cognitive skills training
- Behavioral skills training
- Interpersonal skills training
- Individual or group setting in a therapeutic milieu
- Behavioral health evaluation (mental health / substance abuse)
Begin a Sober Lifestyle
Start to Learn How to Live the First Three Steps & Work on Relapse Prevention and ECO recovery Plans. Written Assignments to Aid in your Treatment
A Guide to the Big Book’s Design for Living with Your Higher Power (Steps 1-3)
Living with Yourself (Steps 4-7)
Living with Others (Steps 8-12)
Identify Aftercare goals and recovery ECO Plan
Substance Abuse Self-Awareness Program (S.A.S.A.P.)
Purpose: To educate and increase offender’s awareness of the dangers and consequences of the use of alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine, heroin, synthetic, all other drugs (mojo) as well as prevent the destructive effects on their environment.
Content: This program consists of 6-8 hours of educational training on substance abuse. Attendees will learn how these mood-altering substances affect the body and mind as well as the legal and social consequences of drug use.
DWI Class/Defensive Driving
6 -36 hours of classroom education
Purpose: To provide information using lectures, videos, and handouts to address the dangers and problems associated with alcohol impairment and its influences on driving safety.
Domestic Violence
Management- Duluth Model- To ensure quality treatment leading to the elimination of domestic violence and abuse.
Decision Making-Problem-solving, Interpersonal relations, Social skills,
Cognitive behavioral instruction and activities on how to process information and using rational models to make decisions
Outcomes: Teaches individuals about alcoholism and drug addiction is a chronic and progressive disease. To understand chemical dependency as a disease, not as a moral issue. To personalize the phenomenon of cross addiction. It teaches them about why they started using, how alcohol/drugs have taken over their lives, what they have to do to get sober and who they will become in recovery. To focus on primary treatment issues. The ultimate goal is to obtain a chemically free lifestyle.
Anger Management
This program consists of 6-8 hours of educational training on anger control and techniques on controlling anger. Attendees will learn how to identify the triggers and emotions that escalate into behaviors of anger.
It’s not only Murder
Discovering the violence in your life. What is that making a statement or an action violent? Why is violence self-defeating? How does one person’s disrespect affect everyone? How does the violence of bullying lead to more, and often greater, violence? Where is the flaw in the idea that bullies are powerful? What are some ways to intent in a violent situation without making it worse? How can stopping violence serve the same needs that violence seems to fill?
Life Skills
- Time Management series
- Community and Government series
- Problem Solving series
- Video
Clues to Substance Abuse
- Erratic school grades
- Skipping school and extracurricular activities
- Refusal to do chores
- Change in family communication
- Unpredictable mood swings
- Feelings of Depression
- Frequent sore throats, red eyes, cough
- Visits from unfamiliar friends
- Pathological lying
- Police incidents-DWIs
- Stealing
- Shoplifting
- Money or valuables missing from home, repeated drug bust
- Paranoia, violent anger, aggression
- Physical deterioration
- Weight loss, chronic cough
The counselor will perform the following behavioral tasks:
- Help the client admit that he or she suffers from the disease of addiction.
- Teach the client about addiction and about the tools of recovery.
- Encourage and motivate the client.
- Monitor abstinence by doing frequent urine drug screens and breathalyzers and by encouraging self-report of any relapse.
- Analyze or review the 12-step philosophy and encourage regular attendance in a self-help program.
- Provide support and encourage development of a support network.
Hours of Operation
- Monday – Thursday 9:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Friday - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Services Offered
- Twelve Step Meetings
- (AA, CA, NA)
Conception of Drug Abuse/
Addiction Causative Factors
Drug abuse is thought to be a multi determined, mal-adaptive way of coping with life problems that often becomes habitual and leads to a progressive deterioration in life circumstance. Habituation of drug abuse is addiction, seen as a disease in its own right, which damages the addict physically, mentally, and spiritually. Causation is not a prominent focus of treatment.
Values and Guiding Principles
Eternal Crisis believes that every individual has the right to services that are comprehensive culturally competent, and family-centered.
Several Typical Session
Topics or Themes
Treatment is conceptualized as occurring in stages. The first stage includes denial and motivation.
The next stage, early
abstinence, includes issues of:
Addiction and associated symptoms
People, places, and things.
Structure of personal time.
High-risk situations.
Compulsive sexual behavior.
Post-acute withdrawal symptoms.
Use of other drugs (other than the primary addiction).
Self-help participation.
The next stage, maintaining
abstinence, includes:
The relapse progress and tools for preventing it.
Relationships in recovery.
Development of a drug-free lifestyle
Shame and guilt
Personal inventory
Character defects
Identification and fulfillment of needs
Anger management
Relaxation and leisure time
Employment and finances
Transference of Addictive behaviors